Ever wonder whether your building needs to improve its wireless connection? If you are struggling with poor signal and lost connection, you should look into an In-Building Wireless Solution right away for the safety of all those who enter your building. It is required in every building that you are able to communicate well, for safety reasons. If you are unable to do so in your building currently, we would love to help you improve that by finding a solution that is right for you.
Start by asking yourself these three questions:
- When inside your building, do you or your customers suffer from dropped calls, poor signals, & lost connection?
- When stepping outside, do the problems that you were struggling with inside the building seem to go away?
- Are you receiving text, email, or call notifications several hours after they were sent?
If your answer was ‘Yes’ to the above questions, In-Building Wireless Solutions is here to assist you. We will help you understand your requirements, safety, and building codes and get you on the right track to improving your wireless connection. To view the codes in your area, you can view our helpful Emergency Response Radio Communication System map here.
Request A Site-Survey
Without one or more site surveys, it is impossible to determine whether all or only some part of a building actually needs an ERRCS.
Site surveys provide baseline readings of the signal strength at the property – assuming the property is in some stage of construction. This will allow for a preliminary evaluation of the possible need for an ERRCS so that horizontal and vertical cable paths and/or conduits can be identified and installed. Once the building’s outer skin is up, a second site survey will determine the necessity of the ERRCS and identify areas of the building that require a network of antennas.
Contact In-Building Wireless Solution
Ready to schedule your site survey? Please contact In-Building Wireless Solutions for a site survey price proposal for your building by calling us at (415) 738-6895. You can also fill out this form on our website.